KAPTAIN showcased at AI Convention Europe 2018 by Moonoia and partners

Oct 3, 2018 10:45:23 AM

KAPTAIN is a joint initiative from Belgian and French startups: it combines uniquely powerful AI recognition, robotic process automation and mobile app development. 
KAPTAIN provides AI-powered document capture optimized for individual use at one end – through a mobile app – processed via a Deep Neural Network (Artificial Intelligence) for recognition, classification and allows enterprise-level automation at the other end – through robotic business processes.

Collaboration between three complementary software vendors and application developers was necessary to create KAPTAIN: a comprehensive and customizable offer that solves the document-related challenges of today’s new data paradigm which traditional technologies can no longer address.

KAPTAIN stands for intelligent, automated capture

KAPTAIN meets all requirements from high-demanding organizations, combining ease of use, customization, full transparency and security for customers, on one hand, and cost efficiency, speed, high accuracy and compliance for providers, on the other hand.

Launched in June 2018, KAPTAIN has gained a lot of interest in the US and deals to equip large companies in banking, insurance and healthcare have already been closed. 

About the event

The very first edition of AI Convention Europe will bring together professionals, vendors, thought leaders and enthusiasts to give you the opportunity to discover new Artificial Intelligence developments. A wide range of specialists will be present and discuss their latest innovations at BluePoint Brussels – 80 Bd Auguste Reyers, 1030 Brussels – during a full day of conferences, workshops, showcases and exchanges around and beyond the Belgian AI world.

Drop us a visit to our booth. Meet the future of document processing. Discover  KAPTAIN and have a chat with its co-developers.

About the ecosystem

Moonoia is the creator of docBrain, AI-powered technology and platform for handwriting and recognition and data extraction, as well as the provider of business process outsourcing services for document-driven organizations looking to accelerate their digital transformation. Moonoia excels in processing unstructured content, particularly the most difficult kind of content such as cursive non-constrained handwriting, low quality images or deteriorated paper.

Contact: Sinziana Andronic - Marketing Manager - sinziana.andronic@moonoia.com

Contextor is a Robotic Process Automation pioneer since 2000. It equipped dozens of large companies worldwide with about 100,000 RPA bots that improve the efficiency of their business processes, for back-office and front-office in banking, financial services, insurance, telecoms, utilities, energy, public services etc. Contextor is aiming to seamlessly introduce Artificial Intelligence technology in its customer’s day-to-day operations.

Contact: Pierre Col – Chief Marketing Officer – pcol@contextor.eu

Shoot&Prove* is a cross-platform, mobile application based on the principle of the instant messaging system via Internet.  At any time, a Shoot & Prove user may receive a request for information on its smartphone from a third party.  By executing the request step by step, it allows the individual user to capture documents, validate a transaction or sign a document and produce an electronic original result that will be sent automatically to the requester.

The objective is to offer a service to companies, that allows to capture all information’s needed for a transaction with a professional (document collection needed for a financial transaction: pay slip, purchase contract, KYC (eID); Information request: proof of residence, family composition, etc.)

Contact : Pierre Leijder – pierre.leijder@procedo.be

* Note May 2023: Shoot and Prove is an external partner. Their solution does not exist under this format anymore. Other versions of similar solutions exist though.

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